
Milwaukee Road

Milwaukee Road
Route of the famed Hiawatha passenger trains. The Milwaukee Road was a transcontinental railroad with a great heritage and today has an active, aggressive historical society.
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   T-Shirt Milwaukee Logo Long Sleeves
SKU: T-Shirt Milwaukee Logo Long Sleeves
Colorful new T-shirt featuring the Milwaukee Road Logo with Long Sleeves.
 T-Shirt Milwaukee 261 steam
SKU: T-Shirt Milwaukee 261 steam
Milwaukee Roads famous and fast steam locomotive #261.
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 T-Shirt Milwaukee Logo
SKU: T-Shirt Milwaukee Logo
The Milwaukee Roads famous logo on a gray 100% cotton premium tee.
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 T-Shirt Milwaukee Steam circle
SKU: T-Shirt Milwaukee Steam circle
The Milwaukee Roads famous classic steam Hiawatha in a circle design.
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 Tin Sign Milwaukee War Scene
SKU: Tin Sign Milwaukee War Scene
Beautiful tin sign of the Milwaukee Hiawatha passing wartime supplies bound for Europe in World War II. Americas Railroads were conveyor belts for war supplies and soldiers destined for overseas.
Chippewa Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Chippewa Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin Chippewa logo sign of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad.
Coffee Mug Class F7 Steam w/Specs
SKU: Coffee Mug Class F7 Steam w/Specs
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific operated some of the most beautiful streamlined steam locomotives in the world. Mug depicts its second streamlined design, a 4-6-4 Hudson type, class F-7.
Coffee Mug Milw 4-4-4 Steam w/specs
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw 4-4-4 Steam w/specs
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific operated some of the most beautiful streamlined steam locomotives in the world. Mug depicts the 4-4-4 original streamlined steam locomotive with mechanical specifications.
Coffee Mug Milw Erie Built
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Erie Built
The Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad operated some of the most beautiful streamlined diesel locomotives in American Railroading and none more so than the famous Fairbanks Morse Erie Built locomotives.
Coffee Mug Milw Hiawatha
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Hiawatha
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad operated a fleet of Hiawatha passenger trains. This mug depicts Hiawatha overlooking his namesake train running through the valley.
Coffee Mug Milw Obv @ night
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Obv @ night
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad designed, built and operated some of the most beautiful and unique passenger observation cars in the nation. Several are still in operation.
Coffee Mug Milw Passing Hiawathas
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Passing Hiawathas
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroads flagship Olympian Hiawatha is shown on this mug passing its west bound sister. A gorgeous mug.
Coffee Mug Milw Skydome w/cowgirl on horse
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Skydome w/cowgirl on horse
Beautiful scene of a passing Milwaukee Road passenger train with a local cowgirl admiring those beautiful skydome cars while riding her beautiful horse.
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Skydome w/girl waving
Beautiful scene of a passing Milwaukee Road passenger train with a local girl admiring those beautiful skydome cars.
Coffee Mug Milw Steamer No. 1
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Steamer No. 1
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad operated some of the most beautiful streamlined steam locomotives in the world. This mug depicts the Hiawatha in its original streamlined design behind locomotive No. 1.
Coffee Mug Milw Steamer No. 101
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Steamer No. 101
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific operated some of the most beautiful streamlined steam locomotives in the world. Mug depicts the Hiawatha in its second streamlined design behind locomotive No. 101, a 4-6-4 Hudson type, class F-7.
Coffee Mug Milw Wave from Bluff
SKU: Coffee Mug Milw Wave from Bluff
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad designed, built and operated some of the most beautiful and unique passenger observation cars in the nation. Several are still in use.
Coffee Mug Milwaukee 261
SKU: Coffee Mug Milwaukee 261
The Milwaukee Roads famous and beautiful No. 261. She has worked longer in excursion steam than she did in revenue service.
Coffee Mug Milwaukee E-Diesel
SKU: Coffee Mug Milwaukee E-Diesel
Coffee mug featuring one of the Milwaukee Roads beautiful E-6 streamlined diesel locomotives pulling the fast Hiawatha transcontinental passenger train.
Coffee Mug Milwaukee Erie out West
SKU: Coffee Mug Milwaukee Erie out West
Coffee mug featuring one of the Milwaukee Roads beautiful Erie Built streamlined diesel locomotives pulling the fast Hiawatha transcontinental passenger train, rolling by a cowgirl and cowboy paused by a stream to admire its passing.
Coffee Mug Milwaukee FT-Diesel
SKU: Coffee Mug Milwaukee FT Diesel
Coffee mug featuring one of the Milwaukee Roads beautiful E-6 streamlined diesel locomotives pulling the fast Hiawatha transcontinental passenger train.
Coffee Mug Milwaukee Logo
SKU: Coffee Mug Milwaukee Logo
Coffee mug featuring the Milwaukee Roads red logo superimposed over the paint scheme of its beautiful streamlined Hudson steam locomotives.
Hiawatha 6 inch round logo
SKU: Hiawatha 6 inch round logo
6 inch round image of the Milwaukee Roads Hiawatha logo on 6" round aluminum metal with small mounting hole at top dead center.
Hiawatha 8" round logo
SKU: Hiawatha 8" round logo
8 inch round famous Hiawatha of the Miolwaukee Railroad logo on 8" round aluminum metal.
License Plate Milw Logos
SKU: License Plate Milw Logos
Plate features the classic Milwaukee logo with Hiawatha logos on each side. The Milwaukee Road operated some of the fastest passenger trains on the planet.
Milk Erie 6 inch round logo
SKU: Milk Erie 6 inch round logo
6 inch round image of the Milwaukee Roads Erie Built logo on 6" round aluminum metal with small mounting hole at top dead center.
Milw 4-4-2 Steam Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milw 4-4-2 Steam Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Milwaukee Roads 4-4-2 streamlined Hiawatha steam locomotive in a circle image used in advertising and on luggage stickers.
Milw 4-6-4 Steam Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milw 4-6-4 Steam Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Milwaukee Roads 4-6-4 Hudson type final streamlined steam locomotive in a circle image used in advertising and on luggage stickers. This locomotive was capable of 100+ mph runs hauling long & heavy Hiawathas.
Milw Erie Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milw Erie Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Milwaukee Roads Erie Built diesel pulling the Olympian Hiawatha transcontinental passenger train. This logo and others was used on passenger luggage.
Milw Olympian Electric Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milw Olympian Electric Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Milwaukee Roads Olympian Hiawatha passenger train pulled by an electric locomotive.
Milw Steam 6 inch round logo
SKU: Milw Steam 6 inch round logo
6 inch round image of the Milwaukee Roads Steam logo on 6" round aluminum metal with small mounting hole at top dead center.
Milw Steam No 1 6 inch round logo
SKU: Milw Steam No 1 6 inch round logo
6 inch round image of the Milwaukee Roads Steam No 1 logo on 6" round aluminum metal with small mounting hole at top dead center.
Milwaukee 8" round logo
SKU: Milwaukee 8" round logo
8 inch round Milwaukee Railroad logo on 8" round aluminum metal.
Milwaukee Hiawatha Cap
SKU: Milwaukee Hiawatha Cap
Milwaukee Hiawatha cap with mesh back and snap adjustable.
Milwaukee Hiawatha Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milwaukee Hiawatha Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin Hiawatha logo sign of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad.
Milwaukee Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milwaukee Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad.
Milwaukee Logo Cap
SKU: Milwaukee Logo Cap
Milwaukee Logo cap with mesh back and snap adjustable.
Milwaukee Olympian 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milwaukee Olympian 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign used by the Milwaukee Road to promote its new Olympian Hiawatha transcontinental passenger trains.
Milwaukee Puget Sound 6x6 Logo
SKU: Milwaukee Puget Sound 6x6 Logo
6 inch x 6 inch metal sign of the Milwaukee Roads early Puget Sound logo used to promote it electrification.
Milwaukee Sparks Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Milwaukee Sparks Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroads SPARKS image to promote its western electrified division.
Mouse Pad Milw Erie Built Out West
SKU: Mouse Pad Milw Erie Built Out West
Fairbanks Morse Erie Built passenger diesel of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad. These diesels were unique to the Milwaukee Road with their chrome grilles and side trim. This western America scene is nostalgic indeed.
Mouse Pad Milw Fairbanks Morse Diesel
SKU: Mouse Pad Milw Fairbanks Morse Diesel
Fairbanks Morse Erie Built passenger diesel of the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad. These diesels were unique to the Milwaukee Road with their chrome grilles and side trim.
Mouse Pad Milw Passing Hiawathas
SKU: Mouse Pad Milw Passing Hiawathas
This Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad mouse pad features two Hiawatha passenger trains passing in the Great American West. One is the Olympian Hiawatha.
Mouse Pad Milw Steam No. 101
SKU: Mouse Pad Milw Steam No. 101
This Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad mouse pad features a beautiful streamlined steam locomotive 4-6-4 number 101, pulling a Hiawatha passenger train.
Mouse Pad Milw WWII Scene
SKU: Mouse Pad Milw WWII Scene
This Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific Railroad mouse pad features a World War II scene of a fast Hiawatha passenger train passing flat cars loaded with tanks for the war effort.
Mouse Pad Milwaukee 261
SKU: Mouse Pad Milwaukee 261
Milwaukee 261 is presented on this mouse pad in all her glory. She has entertained millions and will soon be back in action with a new owner.
Tin Sign Milw 261 w/specs
SKU: Tin Sign Milw 261 w/specs
Tin sign highlighting the beautiful Milwaukee 261 4-8-4 steam locomotive with builders photo and specifications. Logos finish up this informative 10x12 inch sign.
Tin Sign Milw 4-4-2 Steam w/specs
SKU: Tin Sign Milw 4-4-2 Steam w/specs
Tin sign of the Milwaukee Roads fast and beautiful 4-4-2 streamlined steam locomotive with builders specifications and photo. A unique and informative metal 10x12 inch sign.
Tin Sign Milw Battle Stations
SKU: Tin Sign Milw Battle Stations
Tin sign highlighting the Milwaukee Roads efforts during our Nations struggle in World War II where every train station was a Battle Station for Freedom.
Tin Sign Milw Freedom Ring
SKU: Tin Sign Milw Freedom Ring
Tin sign highlighting the Milwaukee Roads efforts during our Nations struggle in World War II. America's Railroads served the Nation well.



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