
Metal Train Signs

Metal Train Signs

Aluminum signs are digitally enhanced reproductions of historic railroad signs of the 40's and 50's used in advertising & stations by most American Railroads. RR specific signs may be found under each RR category. Note that all are license and copyright protected and all have mounting holes.

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 Tin Sign Along War Time Rails
SKU: Tin Sign Along War Time Rails
Tin sign of scenes and activities along Americas War Time Rails during World War II. Without the efforts of America's Railroads and America's automobile industry, we just might still be fighting WWII. Interesting tin sign of Americas Rail History.
 Tin Sign Chief-Super Chief
SKU: Tin Sign Chief-Super Chief
Beautiful reproduction of an advertisement ran by the AT&SF Railroad promoting its Super Chief and Chief transcontinental passenger trains with a new E-Unit and the Blue Goose steamer with 84 inch driving wheels.
 Tin Sign Ferroequinology
SKU: Tin Sign Ferroequinology
Ferroequinology and Ferroequinologist. Study of the Iron Horse and railroading in general, including model railroading.
 Tin Sign Grandpa Rules
SKU: Tin Sign Grandpa Rules
Grandpas favorite sign: In all things trains, Grandpa RULES.... Pretty much states what we all knew!
 Tin Sign Grandpas Train Room
SKU: Tin Sign Grandpas Train Room
One of our best selling signs. Grandpas Train Room. A great gift for every Grandpa train buff.
 Tin Sign Grow Old
SKU: Tin Sign Grow Old
Never a truer saying. We don't stop playing with trains because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing with trains!
 Tin Sign Kissing
SKU: Tin Sign Kissing
Great sign from the early 20th Century found in some very busy train stations during World War II.
 Tin Sign T&P Truck Co
SKU: Tin Sign T&P Truck Co
An interesting advertisement ran by the Texas & Pacific Railway to promote its Motor Transport Co. Rapid, Regular, Reliable, Responsible.
Baldwin Locomotive Works Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Baldwin Locomotive Works Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign of the Baldwin Locomotive Works "Group" logo. Baldwin comprised many divisions.
BLW Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: BLW Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign of the Baldwin Locomotive Works logo.
EJ&E Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: EJ&E Circle Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign with the Elgin Joliet & Eastern Railroads circle logo.
Fairbanks Morse Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Fairbanks Morse Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Fairbanks-Morse Corporations FM Logo.
FRISCO System map 1941 Sign
SKU: FRISCO System map 1941 Sign
Reproduction of a 1941 system map of the FRISCO Railroad. Very interesting to see all the major and minor cities and towns served by the St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad.
Gulf Coast Lines Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Gulf Coast Lines Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign featuring the long forgotten logo of the Gulf Coast Lines Railroads that ran from New Orleans all the way to Brownsville TX with connections to Monterrey and Mexico City. Roughly 17 railroads made up the Gulf Coast Lines.
Houston & Texas Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Houston & Texas Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin sign of the Houston & Texas Central Railroad logo. The H&TCRR was affiliated with the Frisco.
Long Island Blue Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Long Island Blue Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the Long Island Railroads famous Dashing Dan logo in blue.
Monongahela Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
SKU: Monongahela Logo 6x6 Tin Sign
6 inch x 6 inch square tin logo sign of the last logo used by the Monongahela Railroad. Norfolk Southern operates a new locomotive in the Monongahelas Heritage colors.
Question Engineer Small Sign
SKU: Question Engineer Small Sign
Never, but never question the Engineers judgement, small tin sign.
RR Crossing 6 inch round logo
SKU: RR Crossing 6 inch round logo
6 inch round image of the Railroad Crossing logo on 6" round aluminum metal with small mounting hole at top dead center.
Tin Sign 13 Old Steamers
SKU: Tin Sign 13 Old Steamers
13 old steam locomotives that road the American Rails in the 1870s through 1890s.
Tin Sign ACL Steam 10x12 w/Specs
SKU: Tin Sign ACL Steam 10x12 w/Specs
Great sign of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroads dual service R-1 Class 4-8-4 steam locomotive with builders specifications and builders photo.
Tin Sign ALCO PA Diesels
SKU: Tin Sign ALCO PA Diesels
Beautiful sign featuring American Locomotive Co. "PA" diesels in various color schemes presented by the railroads that used them.
Tin Sign ALCO WWII ad
SKU: Tin Sign ALCO WWII ad
Unique reproduction of an advertisement ran by the American Locomotive Company during World War II.
Tin Sign American Freedom Train
SKU: Tin Sign American Freedom Train
The most famous steam locomotive in the USA, the Southern Pacific Railroads streamlined 4-8-4 Daylight. She served as the American Freedom Train in 1976, touring American during its Bicentennial.
Tin Sign B&O BUS
SKU: Tin Sign B&O BUS
Tin sign featuring circa 1936 image and advertisement of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroads Motor Coach Service in New York City and Brooklyn. The paint scheme on these buses predated the livery used on the B&Os streamlined diesels.
Tin Sign B&O EA-1 and EB-1
SKU: Tin Sign B&O EA-1 and EB-1
Tin sign featuring Baltimore & Ohio Railroad EA-1 and EB-1 streamlined passenger diesel locomotives, the very first offered by the EMC Division of GM. These diesels set the standard for all future passenger diesels.
Tin Sign B&O Historic Logos
SKU: Tin Sign B&O Historic Logos
Tin sign featuring historic logos of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, our Nations first railroad chartered in 1827. Brought us through several wars, including the Civil War, when Confederate General Stonewall Jackson played havoc with the road.
Tin Sign Blue Comet Steam
SKU: Tin Sign Blue Comet Steam
The fast and famous Central of Jersey Lines "Blue Comet" passenger train was headed up by this special steam locomotive in Packard Blue w/Gold lettering during the hey day of passenger travel thru 1941. (blue may vary slightly due to printers).
Tin Sign C&NW 400 News
SKU: Tin Sign C&NW 400 News
Reproduction of an ad ran by the Chicago & Northwestern Line promoting its new diesel powered lineup of "400" streamliners.
Tin Sign C&NW North Woods Ad
SKU: Tin Sign C&NW North Woods Ad
Reproduction of an ad ran by the Chicago & Northwestern Line promoting one of its newest "400" streamliners, the Flambeau 400 from Chicago and Milwaukee into the north woods of Wisconsin.
Tin Sign Calif Zephyr RR's Large
SKU: Tin Sign Calif Zephyr RR's Large
The world famous transcontinental California Zephyr passenger train was handled by three railroads; Chicago Burlington & Quincy; Denver & Rio Grande Western and the Western Pacific. Unique sign of an historic passenger train. This is the large sign vers
Tin Sign CAUTION model RR'er @ work
SKU: Tin Sign CAUTION model RR'er @ work
CAUTION, model railroader at work. You've been put on notice!
Tin Sign CB&Q Aeolus Engine
SKU: Tin Sign CB&Q Aeolus Engine
Sign featuring historic Aeolus streamlined steam locomotive. Two were built by the Burlington Route in its West Burlington, Iowa shops in 1937 and 1938.
Tin Sign CBQ Dude Ranch Ad
SKU: Tin Sign CBQ Dude Ranch Ad
Nostalgic scene of a western America Dude Ranch served by the Burlington Route. What a life....
Tin Sign CBQ E-5 Diesel
SKU: Tin Sign CBQ E-5 Diesel
Nostalgic scene of the Burlington's Silver Pilot E-5 passenger diesel rounding a curve. Silver Zephyr is preserved at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union Illinois.
Tin Sign CBQ Fast Mail Train
SKU: Tin Sign CBQ Fast Mail Train
Nostalgic scene of the Burlington's Fast Mail Poster celebrating the US Governments approval of their fast mail trains.
Tin Sign CBQ Kansas Short Cut
SKU: Tin Sign CBQ Kansas Short Cut
Nostalgic scene of a 1952 Burlington Route ad touting its new Kansas City Short Cut from Chicago. Interesting to note the references to the Colorado & Southern Rwy and the Fort Worth & Denver Rwy in the ad, both owned by the CB&Q.
Tin Sign CBQ Zephyr Reflections
SKU: Tin Sign CBQ Zephyr Reflections
Nostalgic scene of a woman checking her makeup in the shiney side of a Burlington Zephyr before it leaves the station.
Tin Sign Christmas Morning w/Trains
SKU: Tin Sign Christmas Morning w/Trains
Tin Sign dipicting a scene of days gone by, with a young boy waking up Christmas Morning to the surprise of his life, maybe creating a life long love affair with trains. Not a bad thing..... just saying!
Tin Sign CofG 1947 Ad
SKU: Tin Sign CofG 1947 Ad
Tin sign featuring an advertisement for the CofG Railway promoting the road in 1947.
Tin Sign CofG E-7 in Horseshoe
SKU: Tin Sign CofG E-7 in Horseshoe
Tin sign featuring a 1950's era Central of Georgia passenger train headed up by a beautiful E-7 streamlined diesel rolling through a golden horseshoe, symbolizing the CofG Railroads two premier trains named after race horses, the Man O War and the Nancy H
Tin Sign CofG Highball
SKU: Tin Sign CofG Highball
Tin sign featuring a 1956 advertisement for the CofG Railway promoting its Highball Freight service. A very unique and rare railroad sign.
Tin Sign Colonel Cotton Belt
SKU: Tin Sign Colonel Cotton Belt
Tin sign featuring Colonel Cotton Belt, southern gentleman of the St. Louis-Southwestern Rail Lines. Border is Confederate Gray and Epaulet Yellow, same as their first FT diesels.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland 7 Castles
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland 7 Castles
Ute Indian Chief with the Colorado Midland logo on his shield watches over his territory at Seven Castles, Colorado. A beautiful setting on the Colorado Midland Railway, first Rocky Mountain railroad to be built in standard gauge.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Ad w/Map
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Ad w/Map
Colorado Midland Railway advertisement featuring a system map. The first standard gauge rail line built across the Continental Divide in Colorado. A unique sign from a long ago railroad.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Ad w/Woman
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Ad w/Woman
Colorado Midland Railway advertisement featuring a young Lady enjoying her scenic ride through Colorado. The first standard gauge rail line built across the Continental Divide in Colorado.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Early Days
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Early Days
Ute Indian Chief with the Colorado Midland logo on his shield watches over his territory at Collegate in Buena Vista, Colorado. Note early Co Mid Rwy logo in lower right.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Hagerman Pass
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Hagerman Pass
Ute Indian Chief with the Colorado Midland logo on his shield watches over his territory at Hagerman Pass. Named after James Hagerman, builder of the Co Midland Rwy. It lies between Leadville and Aspen, and is 11,925 ft above sea level.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Hell Gate
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Hell Gate
Hell Gate Colorado lies 10,400 ft above sea level on the Colorado Midland Railway. A Ute Indian Chief with the Colorado Midland logo on his shield watches over his territory sitting on a gleaming white horse.
Tin Sign Colorado Midland Pikes Peak
SKU: Tin Sign Colorado Midland Pikes Peak
Ute Indian Chief with the Colorado Midland logo on his shield watches over his territory below Pikes Peak Colorado looking east. A beautiful setting on the Colorado Midland Railway, first Rocky Mountain railroad to be built in standard gauge.



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